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Born with Leg Length Discrepancy, learn how professional floorball player Loh Yong Jie goes against the odds of playing a fast paced sport and proving others wrong.

About Us

A B O U T  U S

A B O U T  U S

About Us: Youthoria - a combination of "youth" and "euphoria"- where we believe in creating influential and captivating stories for youths alike, spreading positivity within the community.

Youthoria is your one stop place for all things youth! Looking for a story to kick back and unwind? We’re just the thing for you! We cover everything from reviews to special interests and even stories from our own little red dot. Not only will you be able to chill, you will be able to learn more about our lion city.

Our team consists of five inspired Year 2 Mass Communication students at Ngee Ann Polytechnic. We hope that our content brings happiness to our readers.

So sit down, grab your favourite drink or snack and join us in this journey in rediscovering our youth!

E D I T O R ' S  N O T E

E D I T O R ' S  N O T E

Well, hey there! Welcome to Youthoria! Our crazy yet fun-loving team aims to bring all youths together through our euphoric and enlightening articles. 


The five of us can get pretty wild when we are together but that does not stop us from getting the perfect story for our readers. As the editor, not only do I add on to the craziness, I ensure that our team motivates one other to give you the best quality stories for your enjoyment! From stories on vegetable coffee and the online game Among Us to starting a podcast and learning a foreign language online! 


We hope these stories bring you as much joy as it did us creating them!


When you feel that state of intense happiness and excitement surging through your soul, that’s when you’ve achieved euphoria and how we know that we’ve achieved our goal.





Shilpa Shades


T E A M  Y O U T H O R I A

T E A M  Y O U T H O R I A

Shilpa Shades - Editor
Introducing to you the mitochondria of Youthoria. Shilpa is our editor by day, and a Radio Heatwave DJ by night. Don’t let her RBF and leather jacket fool you; she’s one of the sweetest friends you will ever meet. If you are in need of any makeup tips, drop her a text on Instagram and she would be more than willing to help you!
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Syaliza - Sub Editor
Our sub-editor and resident minah. Syaliza is a bubbly and expressive (loud) person. She has 2 cats, named Togo and Momon who gives Syaliza a lot of problem. Outside of school, Syaliza is actively involved in her Malay Dance troop. Although she might tease you for everything you say, don't worry, she doesn't mean it! 
Nur Khalidah - Sub Editor
She is Youthoria’s very own Jack of all trades. Apart from being our sub-editor, Khalidah sings, plays the guitar and does all kinds of sports. With her love for photography, she is known to be able to capture beautiful moments whenever and wherever. Hit her up for a photoshoot!
(ps. rumour has it she is also a big flirt so don’t be easily charmed by her)
Chong Wan Ling - Visual Editor
Wan Ling is our visual editor, corgi enthusiast, kanchiong spider and resident crackhead. Basically being named after a number, she constantly lives with people asking if her sister is called "twoling" No..she's not. She makes sure everything is in check, but also makes sure to embarrass her friends on the daily.
Inez Ong - Designer
As Youthoria’s designer, Inez is responsible for bringing our visions to life. When she’s not designing, she’s busy catching up on her favourite shows on Netflix. She grew up with people always pronouncing her name wrong. So, feel free to call her Dinosaur and she will happily respond. She recently found a new love for Mr Coconut's milkshakes and is officially a convert from bubble tea.

Y O U  M A Y  A L S O  L I K E 

Y O U  M A Y  A L S O  L I K E 


The Geylang Bazaar in 2021 will definitely be different than last years. Read about how vendors and patrons feels about this bazaar going digital!




Two-time Golden Horse Award nominee, Mr Koh Jia Ler shares his story about how his acting career started. Little did anyone know, Mr Koh was not selected for the first round of auditions. How did he manage to secure a role in Ilo Ilo? Read more to find out!

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Ngee Ann Polytechnic Alumnus, Farhkanda Chaudhry, believes in spreading positivity as an influencer. Find out how she uses her platform to promote body positivity and normalise social issues happening in Singapore!

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Ever wanted to learn a new language but do not know where to begin? Fret not! We have just the article for you! Save money and time by learning a new language from the comfort of your home! Follow the tips we have and you will be a professional in no time! 

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